Sunday Gatherings
Getting Here
We meet at 58 High Street, look out for the iconic white building and our OIKOS sign! Co-op car park is just behind the building.
Feel free to join us from 10am where you’ll be greeted by our welcome team and refreshments in our café.
What We Do
All of our gatherings include prayer, sung worship, the opening of God’s Word and discussion. Sometimes we’ll also have an opportunity for individuals to share a testimony and we’ll take communion together.
If you’ve got children, we offer children’s groups for children aged 1 to 7 part way through the gathering. These groups teach the children in an age appropriate way helping you to focus on what’s being said. If you’re new we’ll ask you to register your child and your contact details.
Continue Discussion
Stick around after the gathering for drinks and carry on your conversations. Get to know some new faces and discuss your thoughts from the sermon.
We’d love to encourage you to connect with us by giving us your contact details. We’ll be able to let you know about what’s going on here at OIKOS Church and let you know about some other things you might be interested in finding out more about.
Church Lunch
We love to eat together and we aim to do this once month after one of our gatherings. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know one another better and enjoy some good food together.