“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
1 Chronicles 29:14
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Make a transfer direct from your bank account to the following account details:Account Name: OIKOS Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00022681
Reference: Gift
Please note that your online banking may not recognise the name of our account, but you should be able to proceed with setting up your transfer.
Money, of all subjects, can be taboo in our culture, and particularity within church. But Jesus spoke extensively about the topic of stewardship, because He knows that where our treasure is, so there is our heart (Matthew 6:21), and He wants our hearts to be fully for Him - the creator, sustainer and provider of all things.
Tithing is both a command and pattern in the Bible which is rooted firstly, in acknowledging that we are only stewards of what we have and not owners (James 1:17). Secondly, like the pattern of Sabbath, in faith that we can give generously because we trust that God will provide all we need (Matthew 6:26-34).